How to Convert a Video Podcast into 10 Thought-provoking Quote Cards?

🪄 AI Summary

Convert Video Podcasts into Quote Cards for Maximum Impact

  • Repurpose content from podcasts to maximize value and reach.
  • Creating quote cards from a podcast episode can effectively cater to varied audience preferences.
  • Use tools like Turboscribe to quickly transcribe the video.
  • Identify two types of quotes: standalone quotes and curiosity-generating quotes.
  • Ensure quotes are clear, thought-provoking, and relevant to your audience.
  • Utilize Canva for designing visually appealing quote cards.
  • Repurposing can yield more content with minimal resources.

Read the blog for detailed information.


If you prefer watching over reading, I've also made a video explaining the entire blog:






In this blog, I will take you step by step on how to create 10 quote cards from a single episode of a video podcast. 


We will start with WHY you should be doing that and then jump straight into how.



1 podcast = 100 of hours of guest outreach, research, scripting, shooting and editing. 

It is a sin to waste so much energy and resources just to generate 1 video for 1 platform. 


So you must squeeze out every possible ounce of value from your podcast by adapting it into different formats. It's cost-effective and makes the most of the work you've already done.


So repurpose your podcast into different formats!

This will help you reach more people by catering to their content preferences, growing your audience base. 


In this particular blog, we shall stick to only quote cards. But you can convert it into short-form videos, long-form videos, blogs, audiograms and much more. 



This is how I extracted 10 quote cards from a 1 hour 35 minutes video podcast in less than 2 hoursđź”˝


For this blog, I have repurposed Simon Sinek: The Number One Reason Why You’re Not Succeeding video podcast from Youtube.


Earlier when I was stupid and slow, I used to watch the complete video in 0.5X [to focus better] and write down the quotes. But now that I am older and slightly wiser, this is how I do it.


Step 1:

Upload the video to my current favorite transcribing tool, turboscribe. It takes around 2-3 mins to get the transcript. 


Step 2:

Now it comes down to personal preference and speed. Are you a fast reader or listener? 


You can directly skim through the transcript and take out good quotes or listen to the audio file on turboscribe while going through the transcript. Either way, having the transcript will make things faster. 


I watched the video at 1.5X while comparing it to the transcript. As the tools give timestamps as well, it helps me to revisit the exact moments without wasting any time. 


Step 3: 

Now look for 2 types of quotes. First, those that make sense on their own. These quotes should stand alone as independent pieces of content, so people don’t need to watch the full episode to understand them, like this one:


I shall stop showing off my design skills here and just give you gold (AKA quotes) directly.

Every senior person knows that they don't get the truth! Even if your people are wonderful and fantastic, people want to tell you the right answer not because they're trying to lie to you, but because they are trying to please you.
The great resignation is an indictment of decades of substandard corporate culture and poor leadership.
The great resignation is a wag of the finger that you have been getting away with substandard corporate culture and poor leadership for too long and you better fix your stuff.

Now coming to the second type. Create curiosity for the original piece of content and redirect your audience there. But remember it should make some sense at the same time leave them wanting for more.


Every single one of us knows what we do. Some of us know how we do it, but very, very few of us can clearly articulate why we do what we do. 


‍“WHY” is always positive. It's always striving for something. We're not inspired against something. We're not inspired to stop something. We're inspired to build something or create something. 


‍To see one's life as a continuum rather than an event is much healthier.


For someone, for anyone who wants to be a better version of themselves, a more aware version of themselves, you, we, I seek out information.


And I think it's a responsibility for every human being should they want to have value in the lives of others to seek awareness in how they show up in the world.
Unfortunately, some people wait for the breakup to learn that they're bad listeners. Some people wait for the heart attack to realize they're eating poorly. You get awareness by getting a punch in the face.

Two things to notice here:

  1. I have already given you 12 quotes.
  2. And there’s more!


Let me come to the curiosity generating quote cards and explain to you how you can implement it with an example.


Caption: Are you an entrepreneur, trying to build a good work culture?


Watch the podcast to know the dos and don’ts:


#Companyculture #workculture #leadership #entrepreneurship

And that’s quote number 13 for you!


  • Ensure the quote is clear and easily understandable without context.
  • Look for content that is thought-provoking or emotionally resonant.
  • Ensure it relates to your audience’s interests or current trends.
  • Check if it’s catchy or easy to remember.


So basically you can ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is it clear and understandable on its own?
  • Is it brief and to the point?
  • Does it have an impact, either emotionally or intellectually?
  • Is it relevant to your audience?
  • Is it memorable?

More than 2 yes to the questions above and you are good to go!


Step 4:

In case you prefer an interactive version, view this demo:




Now that you have all your quotes extracted let’s head straight for canva to check out free pre-built templates. All the quote cards used in this blog are made in canva without the help of any designers. The search prompts I used are - quote cards, testimonials and inspirational quote posts.

And you are all done!


Let me end the blog with a fun fact. I didn’t watch the complete video and I got more than what I wanted. 


This should be your eye-opener on how much content is just lying around, waiting to be repurposed.


Create less, repurpose more!




Arpita Lenka

Helping you create more content with less effort.